
Hello to all you fellow motorhomers and welcome.
I hope you get as much fun reading this as I do writing it.

Tuesday 29 September 2020

Acquiring a Dog

 Rescue Dog or Puppy from a breeder

This is question that pops up when a family want a dog.

This question makes me feel a little guilty on two counts;-

  1. I have never had a rescue dog.

  2. I am one of those people who breeds dogs occasionally
    (a guilty pleasure).

My reasons for having a puppy;-
  • Training a puppy is easier and more effective.  I enjoy the training and the bond it creates between the dog and me. 
  • Rescue dogs bring baggage with them.  It is often difficult understanding why they have certain behaviours. Modifying these takes a long time, sometimes never fully succeeding.  I am not sure I could make such a commitment.  I admire hugely those who do.

What I do not understand though is with the number of dogs in various rescue centres in this country why do so many people get rescue dogs from abroad?

During my campsite visit just recently I discovered most of the people I met walking their dogs were rescue dogs from overseas.
I would be very interested to know the reason people adopt dogs from other countries.

Whatever dog you do get they offer so much.

How we came to acquire Ruby was really strange.
Despite this she was the most amazing dog which is why I wrote abut her.
(If I could not write a book about her I would not be able to write books).
She changed my life


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