
Hello to all you fellow motorhomers and welcome.
I hope you get as much fun reading this as I do writing it.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Where's the Sun!!!

My intention to post weekly has much in common with the sun. On the odd occasion, about once a month the sun can be glimpsed through the clouds: likewise about once a month I manage to find the time to add a new post to this blog.
Despite valiant efforts I have found it difficult during these winter months to find a subject about motorhoming that is of sufficient interest. The weather has been so awful that though I have wanted to go away for a few days the prospect has not been appealing with all this rain and then the snow followed by bitterly cold weather.
It has been awkward enough taking the dogs out at home with all the conveniences on tap. Firstly it takes so long getting togged up to take them out.  Then there is the slog over such soggy ground that walking is not pleasurable and is positively arduous.  Then on our return there is the futile cleaning of the dogs so at least some of the dirt and mud remains outside.  Some hope.
Astonishingly there was a day when the sky was a strange blue colour with a golden orb hanging over the hills. Yes it was a sunny day.
My husband and I decided to take a day trip in the van. But with a couple of urgent task to do first this did not happen.  We decided to take a rain check and go out the next day.  Big mistake. The sky was its usual grey and down came the rain.
This interminable wet weather has disheartened me immensely.  The longer it continues so I feel less and less like going out. The new watch word is “Watch the sky” as opposed to “Watch this space”.

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